
The User package is dedicated to interaction with the user. It provides a command line interface (CLI) implementation and a record that keeps track of the user’s choices.

Choice is an abstraction for the User’s choice.

class markdowntolatex.user.choice.Choice

User’s inputs are collected then recorded into a dictionary, which is the Choice instance itself.


Performs the whole “LaTex to PDF” process.

When the binary is run, this method is called hunder the hood.


Performs the whole “markdown to LaTex” process.

When the binary is run, this method is called hunder the hood.


Performs the whole “Markdown to PDF” process.

When the binary is run, this method is called hunder the hood.

We now come to the

Command line interface definition. A dictionary ARGUMENT stores all arguments definitions.

markdowntolatex.user.cli.MAX_NUMBEROF_INPUTS = 3

The maximal number of input strings we expect from the user: Two arguments (help, preferences), one value (for preferences). Three, then